Hi besties, hi people with perfect music taste, remember AJA? The young queen on the music scene that just absolutely slays the game? Yes, the one we interviewed back in April about her banger single ‘Love At First Sight.’ Now that we have your attention, might we offer you a new song by AJA called ‘How Do You Sleep?’ and another informative and wholesome interview? Yes? Great!

We are probably a bit too obsessed with AJA and her music but what can we say… we hear good music and we stan! Keep scrolling to read our chat with this legend!

Hey AJA it’s a pleasure to finally get to talk to you! You have a stunning new single on the way. How excited are you for ‘How Do You Sleep?’ To see the light of day?
I am so excited. As soon as I wrote this song I knew I needed to release it. I wrote it around the same time I wrote my last release ‘Bad Game Of Telephone.’ ‘How Do You Sleep?’ is more of the emotional side of my experiences in high school. High school was not kind to me.

Your new single is about the last year of high school and how toxic it can be which we think is a super important topic. Do you have any tips for our readers who are also trying to get through that last year? 
I can totally relate to you! It is so tough and can be emotionally draining. I’ve loved talking to people in my dm’s about it. So many people are struggling. My best tips are to find a support system. For me, I have one best friend and am very close with my parents. I also found diving into my songwriting and music was a great form of therapy. I am so grateful to have that in my life. One thing I also think is so important to remember is, things change so quickly. When I was at my lowest and things felt hopeless I thought there was no chance I would ever feel better. I am so happy right now. I’ve graduated high school and couldn’t be in a better place.

With this new song, you’ll have released four singles this year. If each song had to represent a season of the year which one would it be? 
What a great question. It would be hard to categorize them in particular seasons but I’d group them all into the school year. We hit fall, winter, and spring. I feel like my low points were pretty consistent throughout the school year.

Image Source: Set Records roster

You’ve yet to release an LP and we have to say we are hyped for a studio album by AJA. Do you have any plans for an album soon? Do you have a concept in mind?
Yes, most definitely! I can’t wait. I have been busy building my catalog of music. I have been writing a ton. I’ve recently moved to LA. I am 18 and living on my own and experiencing so many amazing things and meeting so many amazing people. I feel like I’m really finding myself and am so happy. I’d like to do an LP closing the chapter of my high school experience. I have written a song called ‘Little Black Dress’ and would like to release it close to prom season. I wrote it with Jimmy McGorman and Una Jensen and we fell in love with it immediately. My prom actually sucked but I know it’s something that most people dream about and really hype up in their heads. I just brought the wrong date. I wish I could do a redo!

You worked with two big industry names on ‘How Do You Sleep?’ How did it feel working with Jimmy and Rob?
They are 2 of my favorite people. They are so incredibly talented and we all collaborate really well together. I met Jimmy a few years ago when we worked on Red Button together. He had already had the concept for the song but didn’t have the right singer for it. We met and we ended up writing it together. I love working with them. We write incredible songs together and they know me so well.

We already have every AJA song on our playlist and we’re wondering who is on AJA’s playlist?
Love this question. It’s funny because I am listening to a lot of rap lately. My recent playlist I made has artists like Ariana Grande, Tate Mcrae, Rihanna, Justin Bieber, J. Cole, Pinksweats, Drake, I listen to a lot of different music. My dad is a “Deadhead” so I grew up listening to a lot of Grateful dead, Bob Dylan, The Band etc…

You are still pretty young and already have proven to be talented. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
10 years is a long time away. I can’t think that far. My goals are more focussed on the next few years. I have a lot I want to accomplish. I’ve been busy building my catalog of music. I feel like it starts with great songs. I plan to start touring closer to the summer once I have an LP out. My goal in the next 12 months is to write 100 songs and release 1-2 LPs. I definitely see myself headlining stadium tours. There is nothing I love more than performing live. Nothing beats the connection during live shows.

“Your two faces cut me like a knife” is our favorite lyric from ‘How Do You Sleep?‘ What’s your all-time favorite line from any song you have released so far?
Probably “[your] moma never taught you right.” I feel like it almost places some of the blame for awful behavior on their mom. Maybe they are not all bad but were not taught right. Therapeutically it seemed to help me understand what had gone on.

Image Source: Set Records roster

We are super curious about music videos and how they tell a story for each song. When you record do you see a movie or idea for your music videos in your head? Do you ever get to share your music video concepts with the director?
For sure. These are my stories and I always try to be as real as possible. Even if these stories are crazy! I always share my stories and make sure the video concepts align with my messaging. I work with great people who want to work collaboratively.

And lastly, we are excited to see AJA live! Where and when can we catch you performing your bops?
I am planning on doing some live shows in LA after the new year. I will keep you posted on where and when. Can’t wait for that. I’ve been so busy writing songs that I feel are an incredible representation of who I am. I am really proud of the music I am creating. Can’t wait to get out and see the audience react to it.

Oh yes! We are super pumped to see AJA live soon and also those LPs coming our way?! One thing is for sure the twenties are now officially AJA’s years. What about you? What’s your favorite song by AJA? Do you plan on seeing her live? Let us know by commenting down below or by tweeting us @TheHoneyPOP! We are also on Facebook and Instagram

Check out more of our exclusive interviews here



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