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EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: Meet ICYDAY, The Cool Pop Band Making Waves in Hollywood

EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: Meet ICYDAY, The Cool Pop Band Making Waves in Hollywood

Another day, another iconic interview slay – and this time we have none other than ICYDAY in our interview hot seat! You know that the second we catch a whiff of a band we know is going to pop off, we take advantage of it. If you haven’t heard of ICYDAY yet, thank us right now for helping you get ahead of the wave, and can say you found them before anyone else. Because if we’re right, and we kind of have a good pulse on these things, they’re going to be taking over the radios and music world before we all know it. Enough dilly-dallying, let’s dive right on in!

Image Source: Yrene Ramirez

Hello and welcome to The Honey POP! Before we buzz in, we want you guys to take the stage and let our readers know what you’re all about! 
Hey everybody! We are ICYDAY! There are three of us, David, Isaac, and Sloane. We’ve all been friends for many many years and are a pop/RnB group out of Southern California! Our first single, ‘Open Up,’ is currently streaming, and our next single, ‘Love Isn’t Fair’ will be out on February 16th.

What better place to start than by talking about ‘Open Up?’ This song is so smooth that if we close our eyes it’s like we’re floating along a honey river. Can you tell us a little bit about how this track came to be?
Well, David ran into our studio space (Isaac’s living room) one day with a set of chords and a drum line. The first words we came up with for the song that fit the melody were ‘Open Up.’ After that, we started to fill in the verses, and it wasn’t until the final line of the chorus that we really knew what the song was going to be about. It turned into a relaxing, groovy song about connections, vulnerability, and getting to know someone.

The origin story of ICYDAY is unique in the best way. We love that this project started from a friendship built through another creative outlet. Was the formation of the band something that happened naturally or was it something you had been scheming for awhile before it came to be?
All of us have always loved making music. We’ve all tried writing music in pairs of two, but it never quite came together. It wasn’t until the three of us decided that we should give this thing a real shot, that this all came to be. When we wrote our first song together, which will be on our debut album in the spring, we knew we had something really special and wanted to keep creating with one another.

You all have so much talent up your sleeves individually, and we love how it comes together to burst into a soulful pop masterpiece. What is a typical songwriting process like for you guys, if there is a “typical” one? 
There are a few different ways that we approach our songs. We will either start with a chord progression and build from there, sometimes we start with a set of lyrics, and other times, we have just a drum beat or a conceptual idea to go by. From there, we each have a part in building out the song until we’ve made something cohesive.

What were some of the inspirations behind your track ‘Open Up?
Open Up is a track inspired by groups like Surfaces and Silk Sonic. Once we started on the song, we knew it had to be something you could dance and relax to. 

We also have to say how much we love your band name. Its as smooth to say as your music sounds! Can you tell us about how you picked the name ICYDAY?
Coming up with our name had to be one of the hardest parts of making the band, because all the names are taken. Over the course of a few months, we would all show up with a bunch of ideas, and nothing quite stuck until we came up with ICYDAY. It’s an amalgamation of each of our names. 
I – Isaac 
Cy – Siegel
Day – David

If you had to list three bands/artists that are the biggest inspirations for ICYDAY, who would they be?
We’d have to say Lindsey Lomis, Sir Elton John, and Jeremy Passion

We’re also all about vibes over here at The Honey POP! If you had to make a color palette to represent ICYDAY what four colors would you pick?
We’d have to say Sky Blue, Lilac, Maroon, and Emerald

We’re going to keep ‘Open Up’ on repeat until we get our hands on ‘Love Isn’t Fair’ when it releases on February 16th. What can you tell us about that track to hold us over in the meantime?
‘Love Isn’t Fair’ is a heartbreaking song about a loss that you could get back if you wanted to, but you know wouldn’t be healthy. Therefore, you have to let it go, no matter how many times you question your decision. It’s a song about dealing with your own choices and how complicated love can truly be. 

See Also

Thank you guys for taking the time out of your day to talk to us! What are some final words you want to leave for our readers, and your fans!
Thank you all so much for the support on Open Up! We hope you enjoy everything we have to share in the future and we can’t wait to hear what you think of each song, and how it made you feel!

Thank you again to ICYDAY for taking the time to sit down and answer all of our burning-hot questions. We cannot wait to get our hands on ‘Love Isn’t Fair’ and just know that until then we will have ‘Open Up’ on loop! Let us know how obsessed you are with ICYDAY in the comments below, or on Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook!

Ready for more exclusive interviews? Right this way, honey!


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