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The Honey POP’s Guide To Concert Anxiety

The Honey POP’s Guide To Concert Anxiety

Concerts are the best way for fans to meet each other and see their faves live! There’s just one problem with that for some people. Anxiety. We at The Honey POP know that anxiety is no fun and puts a huge wall up when it comes to concerts and having a good time. The feeling you get when you realize just how many people are in the crowd? We’ve been there. I know it sucks, but don’t worry we got your back. We’re here to give you our seven super-secret tips to having the best concert experience of your life and keeping your anxiety in check.

1. Bring a friend!

We know this seems pretty obvious but trust us this does work! When you go to your next concert, text your best friend and invite them along. Bringing someone along, whether they know the band or not, can provide you with the feeling of safety you need to get through it. Having a friend there to squeeze your arm and snap you back into reality is something we all need once and a while. Plus, having a friend there will make it so much more fun! Who doesn’t love that right?

2. Bring a bracelet or something to tug on.

Bringing something like a bracelet or hair tie to keep on your wrist and play with when your anxiety is getting to you is one of the best tips we can share. Whenever you feel like you’re trapped, reach down and give it a little tug. It will relieve some of the stress you feel from the surrounding chaos and keep you grounded to the fun of the music. If you don’t have a bracelet or a hair tie, a necklace works too!

3. Dress for you!

Whether it’s a dress, jeans and a T-shirt, even a hoodie and sweatpants (we’ve all been there), wear what makes you feel your best. If you feel comfortable in your own skin, you’ll feel better about being around others. And you should feel good cause you’re gonna look stunning no matter what you wear. Don’t let anyone tell you differently. Wear your favorite outfit and rock it like you own the place, even if it’s a bit scary at first. 

4. Study the venue.

Looking up the venue online can be a complete gamechanger. All you have to do is search up the name and, you can get access to all you need. Make sure to study the aisle set up and make a note of where you will be seated. Find and note every exit, and you’re set to go! Knowing where you’re going to be going and how to get out without any confusion makes a huge difference. 

5. Watch concert vids.

This can be really helpful for your first time at a concert. Search the name of the artist you’re going to see and watch some of their live videos. Scan the crowd and see what you might be dealing with! It helps if they have already played in your city because it’s more than likely the same people or people with that same energy will be there. It also helps to see what type of energy the artist will bring to the stage!

6. Keep a safe word ready!

This tip works best if you came with a friend or had someone drop you off. We at The Honey POP totally understand that sometimes nothing works, and the anxiety can be a bit too much. So keep a safe word handy, and when you need to leave, tell your friend or text your ride with the safe word and prepare yourself to go. We know you don’t wanna leave the fun, but always remember your mental health is of the highest importance!

See Also

7. Bring a safety blanket.

Now we don’t mean a physical blanket (unless that makes you happy because then, by all means, do you!) Things like sweaters and scarves work wonders! Think of it as something that makes you feel safe and connected. Throw whatever it is that you grab into a backpack, and if you need it, it’s right there for you to use! Make sure you know your venue allows you to bring backpacks before bringing them with you!

We know how hard anxiety can be, especially when it comes to packed events like concerts. Hopefully, these tips can guarantee you have the most fun at your next show. Remember that not all of these tips work the same, so try as many as you can to find what works best for you! What tips work best for you when you have anxiety? Let us know in the comments, send us a tweet @TheHoneyPOP or come talk to us on Facebook and Instagram!

Need other ways to manage mental health? We’ve got you covered!

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